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CTET Strategic Plan

SSU Strategic Plan, Priority of Focus:
Academic Excellence and Innovation

SSU Strategic Plan, Supporting Theme:
Embrace innovative teaching and learning practices

We conceptualize innovative teaching and learning practices broadly to include educational technology as a teaching tool, evidence-based teaching practices and techniques, and promotion of high-quality teaching to support success for a diverse student body. 

Who We Serve

All who teach at SSU: individual faculty, departments, and schools, graduate students with teaching responsibilities.

Outcomes for Academic Excellence and Innovation

  1. Empower faculty to lead transformative learning environments with high-quality teaching to support a diverse student body and promote student success.
  2. Foster innovation in teaching and learning with technology in support of engaged learning, building communities, and promoting continuous improvement.


Assessments and Outcomes




  1. Empower faculty to lead transformative learning environments with high-quality teaching to support a diverse student body and promote student success.
  • School & department custom workshops
  • Individual instructional consultation
  • Teaching-related grant support
  • Faculty learning communities
  • Website self-help resources & guides
  • Number of consultations per year by school
  • Number of workshop attendees
  • Feedback from workshops
  • Increases in faculty visits to CTET
  1. Foster innovation in teaching and learning with technology in support of engaged learning, building communities, and promoting continuous improvement.
  • Canvas workshops and support for faculty
  • Instructional design
  • Instructional video capture & production
  • Classroom technology design & support
  • Technology pilots and special projects
  • Tracking Canvas adoption/use by school & departments
  • Creation of new online courses & trained faculty
  • Foot-traffic for CTET drop-in support
  • Faculty participation in CTET sponsored programs
  • Dashboards on classroom renovation progress

*NOTE: Outcome #1 is assessed each year and summarized in a yearly report to the Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and the Provost.