Peer Observations of Teaching
Peer Observations of Teaching Toolkit
This toolkit was designed to give evaluators a step by step guide for conducting peer review in an efficient way.
Forms available in the toolkit:
- Evaluating a Syllabus
- Evaluating Tests/Quizzes/Exams
- Classroom Observation
Peer Reviews of Teaching and Learning
The 2016 Policy for Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Procedures, Criteria, and Standards for Tenured and Probationary Faculty states the following: "Each Department is required to conduct peer observations of the teaching activity of each candidate and shall develop written procedures for such observations. Departments should follow the guidelines approved by FSAC."
What it is
Peer reviewers evaluate areas of teaching effectiveness that student ratings cannot address. By examining course materials (assignments, tests, syllabi) and observing a class session, they provide important feedback on ways teaching practices can be adapted to enrich one’s teaching and increase student learning.