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CTET's 2022-23 Planning & Priorities


CTET 2022-23 Planning & Priorities

Based on the PDS Faculty Needs Survey for 2022-23 and numerous interactions with our faculty partners, CTET has set the following five priorities for the 2022-23 academic year. We’ve also listed a few of the steps that we’re planning to take to advance these priorities, but we’ll keep adding more throughout the coming year. If you have any questions about these priorities or how we developed them, we’re happy to discuss! Just email us at, or stop by our office in Salazar 1060 or our Zoom support room.

Priority #1: Return to supporting teaching first, technology second.  

With roughly 80% of our classes planned for in-person, we will emphasize programming on teaching and pedagogy, as well as rebuilding our in-person teaching community. We will maintain both virtual and physical support all year.

Priority #2: Inclusive Teaching

Among other initiatives, we’re partnering with the DFW Working Group and Common Read to bring you resources and support for inclusive teaching develop. We’re also going to continue our Inclusive Teaching faculty fellow position, who will host a spring reading/working group.

Priority #3: Accessibility

With so many additional faculty using digital course materials, accessibility is now more important than ever. We plan to increase the size of our student remediation team to help faculty make complex course materials (like slide shows and PDFs) accessible. Also, our Accessibility faculty fellow will be available to consult with faculty about the accessibility of their course materials and introduce them to resources available to support them. 

Priority #4: Hyflex

To support the departments exploring Hyflex, we’re building 7 Hyflex-ready classrooms in Stevenson. We’re also hosting a Summer/Fall Hyflex pilot group to help all of us better understand what support both faculty and students need to be successful in this modality.

Priority #5: Online Program Development

As more departments plan online or hybrid academic programs, we plan to develop internal expertise on effective online program management so that we can better advise them.